2018 trip updates
Happy Friday!
Our time in the Dominican is drawing to a close for this time. We are scurrying to finish up projects. Some are working to prepare a Teacher Appreciation meal for the teachers that we will have soon, to say thank you. It is pretty amazing how the Lord works. Early in the week we had a brainstorm to have a celebration to thank the teachers for all their work. When it was mentioned to Esther (the pastors wife) she happily agreed... later we found out that last week the principle asked her if she would have food for the teachers today (Friday) as they were having a planned teacher workshop. Esther had said no at that time because she didn't have the funds for such a meal. Praise the Lord, He brought the idea of an Appreciation meal to mind, for the exact day that they had requested food! Praise the Lord.
Our flights leave early tomorrow morning and it will be a long day of travel. We have to leave the compound around 1am and Lord-willing will arrive in Ellsworth around the same time. We appreciate your prayers for travel.
Thank you for your support of each of us, through your prayers, your encouragement and gifts that made this trip possible. We are truly blessed to have been a part of this team. It is a gift to experience the faith of those who are ministering here in this community!
To God be the glory, great things he has done!
Happy Friday!
Our time in the Dominican is drawing to a close for this time. We are scurrying to finish up projects. Some are working to prepare a Teacher Appreciation meal for the teachers that we will have soon, to say thank you. It is pretty amazing how the Lord works. Early in the week we had a brainstorm to have a celebration to thank the teachers for all their work. When it was mentioned to Esther (the pastors wife) she happily agreed... later we found out that last week the principle asked her if she would have food for the teachers today (Friday) as they were having a planned teacher workshop. Esther had said no at that time because she didn't have the funds for such a meal. Praise the Lord, He brought the idea of an Appreciation meal to mind, for the exact day that they had requested food! Praise the Lord.
Our flights leave early tomorrow morning and it will be a long day of travel. We have to leave the compound around 1am and Lord-willing will arrive in Ellsworth around the same time. We appreciate your prayers for travel.
Thank you for your support of each of us, through your prayers, your encouragement and gifts that made this trip possible. We are truly blessed to have been a part of this team. It is a gift to experience the faith of those who are ministering here in this community!
To God be the glory, great things he has done!
February 21, 2018
Happy Wednesday to you! I pray you have had a wonderful day!
Today the Lord brought us in a variety of directions. From a morning of hands on ministry to an afternoon visiting and praying for those in the nearby community of Molenito, to an evening of conferences.
I don't know that I've shared much about the hands on work we've been doing here. Truly the working of connecting with others is highly valuable. Over the course of our time we've done a variety of things. Some areas we've served include preparing and pouring the concrete for more classroom space on the 2nd floor of the school. This will allow for there to be classrooms that are very much needed for a computer lab as well as other uses. We do what we can with this work, in general we provide a supporting roll, carrying buckets of sand and gravel, mixing cement, clearing the area or taking out nails.
We've spent time with paint brushes and rollers in hand. The primary colors we have used have been Amaro Glorioso (Glorious Yellow) and Blanco (White). We've painted here and there and every where.
Shovels and rakes have been fairly standard issue as we've worked on large piles of Claeche (I'm unsure of the spelling, but it is basically ground up coral I believe). Spreading them to make the entrance to the back gate accessible and usable.
There have been hours spent folding and organizing the donations of clothing. This year we were intentional about sizes and laying them out in a room to be more easily accessible. This has been a very active space as the pastor's wife and others have helped to distribute these items to those in need.
The chance to help with meals has been enjoyable as well as assisting in clean up. Work on vehicles and roofs have been wonderful opportunities for people to use their gifts to bring glory to God. May each and every piece of this journey bring God glory.
Thank you for your continued prayers.
Happy Wednesday to you! I pray you have had a wonderful day!
Today the Lord brought us in a variety of directions. From a morning of hands on ministry to an afternoon visiting and praying for those in the nearby community of Molenito, to an evening of conferences.
I don't know that I've shared much about the hands on work we've been doing here. Truly the working of connecting with others is highly valuable. Over the course of our time we've done a variety of things. Some areas we've served include preparing and pouring the concrete for more classroom space on the 2nd floor of the school. This will allow for there to be classrooms that are very much needed for a computer lab as well as other uses. We do what we can with this work, in general we provide a supporting roll, carrying buckets of sand and gravel, mixing cement, clearing the area or taking out nails.
We've spent time with paint brushes and rollers in hand. The primary colors we have used have been Amaro Glorioso (Glorious Yellow) and Blanco (White). We've painted here and there and every where.
Shovels and rakes have been fairly standard issue as we've worked on large piles of Claeche (I'm unsure of the spelling, but it is basically ground up coral I believe). Spreading them to make the entrance to the back gate accessible and usable.
There have been hours spent folding and organizing the donations of clothing. This year we were intentional about sizes and laying them out in a room to be more easily accessible. This has been a very active space as the pastor's wife and others have helped to distribute these items to those in need.
The chance to help with meals has been enjoyable as well as assisting in clean up. Work on vehicles and roofs have been wonderful opportunities for people to use their gifts to bring glory to God. May each and every piece of this journey bring God glory.
Thank you for your continued prayers.
Happy Tuesday to you, (Sorry to Miss emailing yesterday, the power/internet were out last night!)
A basketball bouncing. Children playing. Wheelbarrow squeaking. Busses honking. Dogs Barking. Hammers pounding. Music playing. Hands Clapping. Voices calling. Motorcycles buzzing. Teachers teaching. Saws cutting. Crickets chirping. Praises ringing.
Could one ever adequately capture the sounds that surround them. Even as I take a moment to try, I am at a loss to communicate completely the sounds that were heard today. For those who have been there I can't leave out the Rooster calling, but at the moment they are silent.
At the worship service this evening the fellowship of believers in Esperanza sang joyfully and fully unto the Lord. Some of the tunes were familiar to us and we could sing along in English the words that we knew. Others were not familiar, yet the sounds were onto the Lord and we couldn't help but engaging and enjoying the worship.
Esperanza is a nearby community where the church has an established and growing church plant. I recall not too many years ago the building; pieced together of tin and old lumber, a tiny building, that was hardly held together. Through the Lord's provision it has become a beautiful structure; solid, well built, clean and well lit. It dawned of me that while the building is lovely, it is the people that are the church, not the physical structure. They worshiped the same mighty God all those years ago and they continue to sing praise to the Lord! The Lord is at work among the people, the church. Praise the Lord for the ways He works.
Thank you for your continues prayers, they are a blessing.
Please continue to lift up the team! Thank you,
A basketball bouncing. Children playing. Wheelbarrow squeaking. Busses honking. Dogs Barking. Hammers pounding. Music playing. Hands Clapping. Voices calling. Motorcycles buzzing. Teachers teaching. Saws cutting. Crickets chirping. Praises ringing.
Could one ever adequately capture the sounds that surround them. Even as I take a moment to try, I am at a loss to communicate completely the sounds that were heard today. For those who have been there I can't leave out the Rooster calling, but at the moment they are silent.
At the worship service this evening the fellowship of believers in Esperanza sang joyfully and fully unto the Lord. Some of the tunes were familiar to us and we could sing along in English the words that we knew. Others were not familiar, yet the sounds were onto the Lord and we couldn't help but engaging and enjoying the worship.
Esperanza is a nearby community where the church has an established and growing church plant. I recall not too many years ago the building; pieced together of tin and old lumber, a tiny building, that was hardly held together. Through the Lord's provision it has become a beautiful structure; solid, well built, clean and well lit. It dawned of me that while the building is lovely, it is the people that are the church, not the physical structure. They worshiped the same mighty God all those years ago and they continue to sing praise to the Lord! The Lord is at work among the people, the church. Praise the Lord for the ways He works.
Thank you for your continues prayers, they are a blessing.
Please continue to lift up the team! Thank you,
Good Sunday to you! Feb 18, 2018
The lights went out. This is a common experience here. Sometimes there is a battery back up of sorts, but then there are times when that goes out as well. Tonight in the middle of energized singing at the evening service : pop : darkness. With hardly skipping a beat the singing and praise continued. A few flashlights came out. The drums kept on, as did the voices, but the electric keyboard, base and microphones disappeared. There was something truly beautiful about the experience. No physical lights, yet the praise of the creator of light continued.
Loosing power is something we are not entirely accustomed to. Many of us go to great lengths to avoid a situation where we would be without (in some cases this is to keep the heat on in our home. We don't experience power outages a great deal even with all of our preparations to avoid being without electricity.
When the light goes out what do we do?
When the power dropped tonight, the worship continued. As I looked around one person stood out to me. An older member of the congregation stood (as difficult as it was for him), turned on his flashlight and held it high in the air. It wasn't exactly aimed in a useful direction, but he held that light high, and continued to do so. My mind was filled with the power of the moment. His willingness to stand, to share the light that he had. He only stopped when someone told him he could sit down, I was a little disappointed as I had concluded that I would go and stand by him to share in the burden of holding that light for all to see. I was slow to support this gentleman, who, despite his age was willing to stand. Will we stand for the true Light with a boldness and determination? Will we stand by one another and support and encourage others as they share the light?
Thank you for standing alongside this team. We appreciate your prayers. As we transition team members this weekend (Some went home, some stayed, some joined in the adventure)we are in a space of fresh perspectives, fresh ideas, and new insights. It can take days to settle in, months and years to process all that has been experienced and Lord-willing a life-long journey of holding the Light high. Please press on in prayer!
The lights went out. This is a common experience here. Sometimes there is a battery back up of sorts, but then there are times when that goes out as well. Tonight in the middle of energized singing at the evening service : pop : darkness. With hardly skipping a beat the singing and praise continued. A few flashlights came out. The drums kept on, as did the voices, but the electric keyboard, base and microphones disappeared. There was something truly beautiful about the experience. No physical lights, yet the praise of the creator of light continued.
Loosing power is something we are not entirely accustomed to. Many of us go to great lengths to avoid a situation where we would be without (in some cases this is to keep the heat on in our home. We don't experience power outages a great deal even with all of our preparations to avoid being without electricity.
When the light goes out what do we do?
When the power dropped tonight, the worship continued. As I looked around one person stood out to me. An older member of the congregation stood (as difficult as it was for him), turned on his flashlight and held it high in the air. It wasn't exactly aimed in a useful direction, but he held that light high, and continued to do so. My mind was filled with the power of the moment. His willingness to stand, to share the light that he had. He only stopped when someone told him he could sit down, I was a little disappointed as I had concluded that I would go and stand by him to share in the burden of holding that light for all to see. I was slow to support this gentleman, who, despite his age was willing to stand. Will we stand for the true Light with a boldness and determination? Will we stand by one another and support and encourage others as they share the light?
Thank you for standing alongside this team. We appreciate your prayers. As we transition team members this weekend (Some went home, some stayed, some joined in the adventure)we are in a space of fresh perspectives, fresh ideas, and new insights. It can take days to settle in, months and years to process all that has been experienced and Lord-willing a life-long journey of holding the Light high. Please press on in prayer!
Happy Friday to each of you!
Team Uno wrapped up there time here with a rainy morning. There were just enough dry spots to finish up the metal roofing some of our crew has been working away at over the school "cafeteria". It came out great, praise the Lord. Classes said joyful farewells to their faithful teacher. Those who had been painting began to clear the rooftop for the upcoming big concrete roof pour (perhaps next week). We ended the day with a quick trip to get ice cream and to spend a few minutes on the beach.
Team Uno will leave the Dominican early in the am on Saturday. Travel to Boston and then to Ellsworth, where they will say hello and pray with Team Dos before they head out destined for the Dominican. The journey for both teams really has just begun. Team Dos to the Dominican and Team Uno will begin the transition as they process their experience. Pray for both teams, but especially those who are prayerfully thinking through the ways they have seen the Lord at work in the Dominican.
May each day draw us closer to our Savior, no matter where we are or what we experience. May our hearts be softened and our minds transformed for the glory of God.
Thank you for your prayers. We appreciate your faithfulness in this area. Thank you!
Team Uno wrapped up there time here with a rainy morning. There were just enough dry spots to finish up the metal roofing some of our crew has been working away at over the school "cafeteria". It came out great, praise the Lord. Classes said joyful farewells to their faithful teacher. Those who had been painting began to clear the rooftop for the upcoming big concrete roof pour (perhaps next week). We ended the day with a quick trip to get ice cream and to spend a few minutes on the beach.
Team Uno will leave the Dominican early in the am on Saturday. Travel to Boston and then to Ellsworth, where they will say hello and pray with Team Dos before they head out destined for the Dominican. The journey for both teams really has just begun. Team Dos to the Dominican and Team Uno will begin the transition as they process their experience. Pray for both teams, but especially those who are prayerfully thinking through the ways they have seen the Lord at work in the Dominican.
May each day draw us closer to our Savior, no matter where we are or what we experience. May our hearts be softened and our minds transformed for the glory of God.
Thank you for your prayers. We appreciate your faithfulness in this area. Thank you!
Feb 15 -
Happy Thursday from the Dominican!
Photos are amazing things. To capture a moment, something beautiful, something you don't want to forget. In 2018 many of us have thousands of photos, often they remain on our phones or computers and don't end up in a album like it was once done.
I haven't taken many photos on this trip; there have been many incredible memories, many moments, many smiling faces, but taking a picture seemed like it would take away from the experience. The delight of each moment was rich. Tonight at the Batey in Molenito the team was invited to come forward. After a few kind words, the church family prayed for us - all at once, standing, hands raised, praying in their native language, all at once... a photo just wouldn't done it justice. It was powerful.
Thank you to each one of you for your prayers! They are deeply valuable, a tremendous gift. Thank you.
Happy Thursday from the Dominican!
Photos are amazing things. To capture a moment, something beautiful, something you don't want to forget. In 2018 many of us have thousands of photos, often they remain on our phones or computers and don't end up in a album like it was once done.
I haven't taken many photos on this trip; there have been many incredible memories, many moments, many smiling faces, but taking a picture seemed like it would take away from the experience. The delight of each moment was rich. Tonight at the Batey in Molenito the team was invited to come forward. After a few kind words, the church family prayed for us - all at once, standing, hands raised, praying in their native language, all at once... a photo just wouldn't done it justice. It was powerful.
Thank you to each one of you for your prayers! They are deeply valuable, a tremendous gift. Thank you.
Happy Valentines Day from the Dominican,
Sitting by the "cafeteria" during recess may not seem like an essential part of a missions trip, but it is immensely valuable. Sometimes we can get caught in the race of life, having the mindset that if we don't get all of the projects finished in our time here we have failed. However the Lord continues to remind us, and to challenge us to be Human Beings rather than human doings. Sitting, side by side, laughing and enjoying the company of our teammates and friends from the Dominican. No rush, just being. Isn't this the model Jesus lived out. He took time to be with. This can be a challenge for each of us, to focus not on what but who the Lord has placed before us. I had the blessing to see this take place today. Our carpentry team took a break during the schools recess, a few of them sat in the shade and were join by a number of young men. They chatted, and laughed, and just experienced the moment together.
Even as I type, some team members are shooting hoops under the lights and others sit around the court chatting with our friends here. After a day of work the Lord has given them an extra dose of energy to play and enjoy sweet fellowship.
Praise the Lord the team is healthy and are serving well together. On multiple occasions it has been brought out that the Lord has brought just the right folks for this week to serve together. Without a doubt the Lord was at work long before we stepped foot on the plane and will continue to work even as we return home.
Thank you for your continued prayers, to God be the glory.
Sitting by the "cafeteria" during recess may not seem like an essential part of a missions trip, but it is immensely valuable. Sometimes we can get caught in the race of life, having the mindset that if we don't get all of the projects finished in our time here we have failed. However the Lord continues to remind us, and to challenge us to be Human Beings rather than human doings. Sitting, side by side, laughing and enjoying the company of our teammates and friends from the Dominican. No rush, just being. Isn't this the model Jesus lived out. He took time to be with. This can be a challenge for each of us, to focus not on what but who the Lord has placed before us. I had the blessing to see this take place today. Our carpentry team took a break during the schools recess, a few of them sat in the shade and were join by a number of young men. They chatted, and laughed, and just experienced the moment together.
Even as I type, some team members are shooting hoops under the lights and others sit around the court chatting with our friends here. After a day of work the Lord has given them an extra dose of energy to play and enjoy sweet fellowship.
Praise the Lord the team is healthy and are serving well together. On multiple occasions it has been brought out that the Lord has brought just the right folks for this week to serve together. Without a doubt the Lord was at work long before we stepped foot on the plane and will continue to work even as we return home.
Thank you for your continued prayers, to God be the glory.
Feb 13
Happy Tuesday from the Dominican Republic.
Molineto is a little community (a Batey) in the midst of the sugar cane fields. It is similar to others I am sure; a long bumpy dirt road, far from town, surrounded by sugar cane, no power and minimal water. It is isolated. Yet, as a man testified tonight, the Batey has hope because of the presence of the Gospel. God brought a group of believers to the area and ultimately a church was planted from the church in San Pedro de Macoris. The gentleman is praying that everyone in the small community would love the Lord and that they would be united in Faith- what a cool praise! We had the privilege to join these folks in worship this evening. The rythms from the instruments including one called a "Guira" (Kind of like a cheese grater with a metal stick) and the great voices over powered the generator which powered the church, but also the well for the town. Other than the lights of the church and the stars there was darkness in the area. Praise the Lord that this church and others like it are lights in the darkness.
Work wise we continue to serve here at the school, working on roofing, painting, organizing, teaching, and repairing. Our hope is to work alongside our brothers and sisters here for the glory of God and the building of His kingdom.
We appreciate your continued prayers!
Happy Tuesday from the Dominican Republic.
Molineto is a little community (a Batey) in the midst of the sugar cane fields. It is similar to others I am sure; a long bumpy dirt road, far from town, surrounded by sugar cane, no power and minimal water. It is isolated. Yet, as a man testified tonight, the Batey has hope because of the presence of the Gospel. God brought a group of believers to the area and ultimately a church was planted from the church in San Pedro de Macoris. The gentleman is praying that everyone in the small community would love the Lord and that they would be united in Faith- what a cool praise! We had the privilege to join these folks in worship this evening. The rythms from the instruments including one called a "Guira" (Kind of like a cheese grater with a metal stick) and the great voices over powered the generator which powered the church, but also the well for the town. Other than the lights of the church and the stars there was darkness in the area. Praise the Lord that this church and others like it are lights in the darkness.
Work wise we continue to serve here at the school, working on roofing, painting, organizing, teaching, and repairing. Our hope is to work alongside our brothers and sisters here for the glory of God and the building of His kingdom.
We appreciate your continued prayers!
feb 12 - monday
Good Monday to you!
After dinner and small group we had a chance to walk around the village a bit. Walking with new and old friends, taking in the sights, sounds and smells. We visited the future sight of the Clinic that one day will bless the community with health care and a ministry of love. The grounds had been cleared, but nothing is there at this time. It looks a lot like the school compound looked in nearly 18 years ago, and what then seemed like an impossible dream, has been come a ministry that is having a big impact. In no time the hospital will be a reality also, providing in amazing ways.
It was been a productive, full day Teams were spread out on the compound, serving the Lord in a varieties of ways. A team was painting, scraping and cleaning. There was a group working on the metal roof, framing is ready to go and the paint is being applied as we speak to the roof. Both projects are looking good and the progress is exciting. A few of us helped to teach English in school, they soon became the teachers and did a wonderful job working with the students. Fred fixed the bus and has plans for future repairs, he sure knows his vehicles. Bonnie got a start on organizing the donations.
Thank you for your continued prayers, the Lord is at work. Pray that his Spirit would be evident among us as we care for one another and serve.
Bon du Bon, (God is good)
Good Monday to you!
After dinner and small group we had a chance to walk around the village a bit. Walking with new and old friends, taking in the sights, sounds and smells. We visited the future sight of the Clinic that one day will bless the community with health care and a ministry of love. The grounds had been cleared, but nothing is there at this time. It looks a lot like the school compound looked in nearly 18 years ago, and what then seemed like an impossible dream, has been come a ministry that is having a big impact. In no time the hospital will be a reality also, providing in amazing ways.
It was been a productive, full day Teams were spread out on the compound, serving the Lord in a varieties of ways. A team was painting, scraping and cleaning. There was a group working on the metal roof, framing is ready to go and the paint is being applied as we speak to the roof. Both projects are looking good and the progress is exciting. A few of us helped to teach English in school, they soon became the teachers and did a wonderful job working with the students. Fred fixed the bus and has plans for future repairs, he sure knows his vehicles. Bonnie got a start on organizing the donations.
Thank you for your continued prayers, the Lord is at work. Pray that his Spirit would be evident among us as we care for one another and serve.
Bon du Bon, (God is good)
Feb 11. We arrived safe and sound this morning. It has been a nice day of rest, worship, and connecting with one another and those we are visiting. Some of the guys played basketball on the freshly painted court with some new nets. They certainly had a work out in the mid day sun. We look forward to a time of worship before what will likely be an early to bed night for many of us!
Thank you you for your prayers!
Thank you you for your prayers!
Feb 10... team uno awaits our flight in Boston! Praise the Lord for getting us to this point. We have a few hours until take off. Nice to be together, thank you for continued plans for our team unity and ability to serve. It is a late night of travel! Praying for the Lord to move in mighty ways.