When Do we Go? 2025 TRIP DATES January 24 (Travel in afternoon to Boston). We fly out January 25th in the am. Return February 1st. The flights are different than in the past. We do have to be at the airport by 4:30am on January 25th, so we will stay in Boston area the night before.
Because of some personal Sabbatical plans the deadline to sign up for this trip is October 31 so I can reserve the proper # of tickets. (FYI there are only 22 tickets available for this trip)
Where are we going? The island of Hispaniola lies in the Caribbean between Puerto Rico and Cuba. Two countries share the island: Haiti and the Dominican Republic. Please take some time and do some reading about the History of the Dominican Republic and the Island that is shares. Why would we be going to the Dominican Republic (DR) There have been trips to the Dominican for years from this area, to both San Pedro de Macoris and La Romana. We go as partners in ministry and have worked alongside of our Haitian brothers and sisters in the building of a hospital, school, church, dormitory, and homes. There are many injustices in this world. In the DR, injustice takes the form of the oppression of Haitian people. In the past, workers from Haiti poured into the DR to support the vast production of sugar, where they were treated like slaves. Dominicans, determined to deny any opportunities to Haitians and their families who have lived in the DR for generations, try to insure that Haitians remain undocumented, without rights as citizens. Many of the places the Haitians came to work have now closed and families live from day to day often not knowing where the money for their next meal will come from.
What is the cost of this trip? We are asking that each participant raise at least $1,800 for the trip. This covers expenses such as travel, meals, room and board and some towards construction work that we will do. We pray that the Lord will provide above and beyond this amount to help us do the most we can during our time in the Dominican. We encourage everyone to share with their church about the trip, as well as send out prayer/financial support letters to family and friends.
Where do we send funds? We pray that your church fellowship is a sending church and is partnering with you in this missions trip. In order to strengthen their connection and to be an encouragement to your calling, please have those interested in partnering financially with you send their gifts to your HOME church. It would be wise to talk with your pastor and those who oversee the finances to be sure this is a clear process. Your home church can send the funds at the appropriate time to First Baptist Church who is managing the expenses for this shared mission.
Ultimately your church can send support can be sent to : First Baptist Church of Bar Harbor (FBC) 46 Ledgelawn Ave, Bar Harbor ME Attention DR Mission Team Be sure your name is included in the mailing. All funds above and beyond individual costs will go towards construction cost.